Do you have questions about an order of protection? If so, contact the experienced Rochester Family Law Attorney Michael Schmitt today for a free review.
As an experienced Rochester Family Law Attorney I am often asked about order of protection’s. There are two kinds of orders of protection. The first is what we would call a no contact order of protection. That requires the person who has the order of protection against them not have any contact whatsoever with the other party. The order of protection of a no contact order of protection only flows one way. The person who gets the order of protection cannot violate the order of protection by having contact with the person who is not supposed to have contact with them. The other order of protection is the no offensive contact order of protection. This order of protection allows people to be around each other, to be near each other, but it prohibits them from injuring, assaulting, or otherwise harassing that person.
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Do you have questions about an order of protection? If so, contact the experienced Rochester Family Law Attorney Michael Schmitt.
This educational blog was brought to you by Michael Schmitt, and experienced Rochester Family Law Attorney.