Important Child Custody Tips

Are you considering a divorce and have questions about important child custody tips? Contact our experienced Rochester lawyers to get started.

Joint Custody and Sole Custody

Important Child Custody TipsOften as an experienced Rochester Child Custody Lawyer, I am asked the differences between Joint Custody and Sole Custody in New York.

  • If you have joint custody, you and your child’s other parent will be required to make decisions about your child together, cooperatively.
  • If you have sole custody of your child, you alone will be required to make decisions about your child.
  • You can have a shared residency plan and still have one parent be sole custodian.

Shared Residency

Often times as an experienced Rochester Child Custody Lawyer, I will speak to my clients about shared residency.

  • Shared residency is the ability for both parents to spend the same amount of time with their children.
  • Based on the differences in finances for each parent, a child support obligation may be necessary.

How the Courts Decide Visitation

When it comes to child custody and visitation, I am often asked as a Rochester Child Custody Lawyer how the courts decide on this.

  • The court will look into the best interest of the child.
  • The court will review:
    • Who can take care of the child best.
    • Who is best to serve the child.
    • The time allotted to each parent with the child.

After reading this article about important child custody tips if you still have questions contact our experienced Rochester child custody lawyers today for a free consultation and case evaluation.

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