Divorce Mediation When You Don’t Get Along
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Michael has helped me tremendously. I’ve been going through a divorce for over a year now and he’s be there every step of the way. If I needed to contact him out of business hours, he always answers right away or calls back in a timely manner. My divorce was and still is very stressful. He has kept me cool and calm the whole time. I’ve had a lot of anxiety that he took away. Very detailed and very relaxed person. Made me feel so much more confident than I was before I stepped into his office.

7 Mistakes to Avoid Making When Mediating Divorce
Download this free book to learn more about the mistakes you could make that could damage or slow down divorce mediation.
Make sure you get this free guide.
Check out this video about divorce mediation when you don’t get along in Rochester. Then call Michael Schmitt for a free case review.
How can we possibly mediate our divorce if me and my spouse don’t get along very well?
Sometimes, we help people mediate a divorce here in Rochester who don’t get along very well. We are able to meet with people individually or meet with them together. If they’re not able to meet together, we can have different times and different appointments where we meet with them individually.
In the end, we’re coming up with an agreement or a contract that they each agree to. If it’s easier to get that done without two people sitting at the same table together, we are available to do that. We can separate and have different appointments and different meetings for each of the participants in the mediation process.
Are you considering a divorce and have questions or concerns? Contact our experienced Rochester divorce lawyers today for a free consultation and case evaluation.
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Client Reviews
“Mike will end all your distrust and annoyance associated with legal proceedings. He handled my divorce and did an amazing job keeping it out of court and getting me what I wanted. He was there to talk to the whole time and made me feel he was on my side by his comments and advice. He is now representing my girlfriend for her custody battle and he was the only lawyer we would contact to handle the case. He is truly a good person which is hard to find with people associated with the law in this country. Thank you Mike for everything you have done for me and for everything you are doing for my girlfriend.”